Oct. 2
Mt. Olive F.O.P. Lodge #122
3rd Annual Car & Truck Show
Saturday, Oct. 2nd, 2021
9 am - 3 pm, (Registration 8 am)
Raindate: Oct. 9th
350 Clark Drive, Budd Lake, NJ
(Logical Logistics lot)
Reg: $20 DOS
(Morris County)
The Mt Olive FOP Lodge 122 in conjunction with Sky Zone Mt Olive presents their 4th Annual Car and Truck Show.
Last year there were over 300 cars, trucks, and big rigs.
Food Trucks, Vendors, Family Fun, and awards...
* Top 20 Awards + specialty awards
* Commercial truck awards
We’ve outgrown our last spot and have moved a couple of miles away to a larger location!!
*350 Clark Drive, Budd Lake, NJ
A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Team Mt Olive Police Unity Tour team.
Info: fop122carshow@gmail.com; www.njfop122.org