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Forty-two years ago today (January 21, 1981) the very first DeLorean (VIN 500) rolled through the doors of the new factory in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Actually completed on January 18th, it wasn’t until January 21st that John DeLorean visited the factory to inspect the new cars . Luckily, on that same day ViIN501 and VIN502 were also completed. Why was it luck, you ask...
As it turns out, every event at the factory from the groundbreaking through driving the first car through the factory doors was recorded. But, wait!!! VIN500 was damaged as it was driven out the doors! Apparently, how would you say—a stack of empty cages just jumped right out in front of the car as it was being driven out. Humm, no photos of that to be found.
Yes, folks, the photos taken on that historic day were actually of VIN 501. The first DeLorean off the assembly line (VIN500) was repaired and included in the sale of the factory in 1982. It now resides in the Crawford Auto Aviation Museum in Cleveland, Ohio.
Perhaps when visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, make a detour and take a step back to the future to check out this piece of automotive history.
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Photo by Alexx Michael
DeLorean - It's Come A Long Way